SAWYER® WATER Filter accessories

퍼메트린 원단 처리

18 oz Aerosol

$ 15.49 USD

건조 후 무취인 소이어 퍼메트린 패브릭 트리트먼트는 의류, 장비, 텐트 등 다양한 직물을 처리하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 방충 처리를 성공적으로 적용하면 6주 동안 또는 6회 세탁해도 모기와 진드기에 대한 방충 효과가 지속됩니다.

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Extra Small
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Extra Small
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2 Extra large
3 Extra large
Extra small
2 Extra large
3 Extra large
extra large
3 extra large
Blue and Green Twin Pack
32 oz
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Features & Specs
Filter Material:
Permethrin spray bonds to fabric fibers for up to 6 weeks or through 6 washings (whichever comes first) .
Liquid Volume:
18 ounces
11 inches
2.75 inches
2.75 inches
24 ounces
Shipping & Warranty
2-7 days depending on location. All products ship from Sawyer Headquarters in Safety Harbor, FL.
If at any point you are unhappy with a Sawyer product, email us at and we will replace the product or issue a full refund.
10+ years if if stored in a cool, dry location away from direct UV exposure

More About this Product

전체 제품 설명

For use on clothing, tents, sleeping bags, and other outdoor gear, Sawyer Permethrin repels or kills disease-spreading ticks (Lyme disease), mosquitoes (West Nile and Zika viruses) and more than 55 other kinds of insects. Perfect for camping, backpacking, hunting, travel, backyard BBQs, picnics, and more, Permethrin insect and tick repellent adds an odorless layer of protection to shirts, jackets, pants, socks, shoes, sleeping bags, tents, netting, and other outdoor, camping, hunting, and travel gear.

A University of Rhode Island study (2011) found that people wearing Permethrin-treated shoes and socks were 73.6 times less likely to have a tick bite than those wearing untreated footwear. Using it on outdoor gear also helps reduce the mosquito population in your camp and prevents ticks from attaching to you. Permethrin spray bonds to fabric fibers for up to 6 weeks (42 days) of exposure to sun and air or 6 washings.

Specially formulated not to stain or damage your clothing, other fabrics, gear, and equipment, it's odorless after drying and is as effective as 100% DEET. To apply, spray Permethrin directly onto clothing and gear with a slow sweeping motion, keeping the bottle about 6 to 8 inches away, and treating each side of the garment for about 30 seconds.

The EPA recommends using 4.5 ounces of Permethrin to spray each outfit (consisting of shirt, pants, and socks). Maximize protection by pairing with Sawyer Picaridin topical repellent for the skin.

키트 구성품

One 18 oz Aerosol Spray Can

A can of Sawyer Permethrin aerosol spray insect repellent spray

Product Benefits

Ways to Use
Add a layer of protection to your clothing and gear with Permethrin insect and tick repellent spray — perfect for use on shirts, jackets, pants, socks, shoes, boots, sleeping bags, tents, netting, when outdoors, camping, hunting, or on travel.

Bonded to Fabric
Once your treatment of Sawyer Permethrin has fully dried and bonded with your fabric fibers, the amount that can come out via physical contact or water exposure is indeterminately small. It is extended UV exposure or the heavy agitation of a washing machine that degrades the insect repellent treatment much like the dye in a t-shirt.

The EPA recommends using 4.5 ounces of Permethrin to spray each outfit, Treats 4 outfits

Protection from Diseases
Repels mosquitoes which may carry the Zika Virus, Yellow Fever, Dengue, and Chikungunya. Repels and kills ticks which may carry Lyme Disease

Safe for Use on Dogs
Sawyer Permethrin can be applied to dogs to help control fleas and lice for 35 days and against ticks for 6 weeks. Official application instructions for use on dogs can be found at

Odorless after Drying
Sawyer Permethrin is 100% odorless after drying. It does not harm any fabrics or finishes and can be applied to fabrics as sensitive as silk.

73.6x Protection
Reduce likelihood of a tick bite by 73.6 times by treating shoes and socks with Permethrin (University of Rhode Island study - 2011).

자주 묻는 제품 관련 질문

What is Permethrin? - Permethrin

퍼메트린은 국화꽃의 천연 방충제인 피레트린의 합성 버전입니다. 자연적으로 발생하는 버전은 햇빛에 의해 빠르게 분해되지만, 소이어의 제약 등급의 합성 퍼메트린은 의류 및 기타 직물에 6주 또는 6회 세탁해도 효과가 지속되어 모기와 진드기로부터 보호하는 무취의 환상적인 장벽을 형성합니다.

Is Sawyer Permethrin safe around cats?

Yes once the treatment has fully dried, Sawyer Permethrin treated clothing and gear is completely safe to use wear around cats. Concentrates and agricultural grade formulas pose a much higher threat than our pharmaceutical grade formula.

It is during the application process which cats need to be separated. Do not expose cats to wet permethrin as it affects their central nervous system. This is not true with dogs, horses, or cows. Cats can be around permethrin treated fabrics once the application has dried.

Will Sawyer Permethrin come out when hiking or swimming?

No, the amount of Sawyer Permethrin Fabric Insect Repellent that can come out via physical contact or water contact is indeterminately small once the treatment has fully dried and bonded with the fabric fibers with our pharmaceutical grade formula. This is not the case for other brand concentrates or agricultural grade formulas.

With the Sawyer formula, think of it like the dye in a t-shirt. It will slowly degrade via UV exposure or the heavy agitation of a washing machine but not be immediately noticeable. You can extend the performance of Sawyer Permethrin treatment fabrics by hand washing them or limiting UV exposure between uses.

Will Permethrin ruin my clothes or equipment? - Permethrin

퍼메트린은 옷이나 장비를 손상시키지 않습니다. 일부 직물과 소재에 해를 끼칠 수 있는 DEET와 달리 퍼메트린은 실크와 같은 연약한 직물은 물론 모든 합성 섬유 및 방수 멤브레인 직물에도 사용할 수 있습니다. 퍼메트린은 플라스틱이나 마감재에는 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 의심스러운 경우, 특히 섬세한 표면에 샘플을 테스트해보고 24시간이 지난 후 확인하십시오.Sawyer® 퍼메트린 방충제는 무취, 무지성, 건조 후 얼룩이 생기지 않습니다. 퍼메트린은 물고기와 같은 수생 생물에 해로울 수 있으므로 물고기 수족관 주변에 퍼메트린을 뿌리지 마세요.

How harmful are Permethrin fumes while treating clothing? - Permethrin

퍼메트린 에어로졸로 의류를 처리할 때는 실외에서 실시하는 것이 좋습니다. 실수로 실내에서 처리하는 경우 흡입량을 계산한 결과 건강에 미치는 악영향은 예상되지 않습니다. 그러나 천식 등 호흡기 질환이 있는 사람은 더 큰 위험에 노출될 수 있습니다. 퍼메트린으로 직물을 처리할 때 발생하는 냄새는 대부분 방충제 자체에서 발생하는 것이 아니라 에어로졸 추진제에서 발생하는 냄새입니다.

How much Permethrin comes off the clothing when laundered? - Permethrin

퍼메트린과 대부분의 직물 사이에는 강력한 결합이 형성됩니다. 실제로 50회 세탁 후 군복에서 방충 효과가 일부 관찰되었습니다. 하지만 이 군복은 에어로졸 캔 대신 흡수 방식을 사용하여 처리되었습니다. 미 육군이 실시한 연구에 따르면 첫 번째 세탁 후 퍼메트린 처리의 약 20~30%가 제거되었습니다. 그 후 10회 세탁할 때마다 약 3~5%의 퍼메트린이 손실되었습니다.

Can Permethrin cause skin irritation or sensitization from repeated use? - Permethrin

동물 실험에 따르면 직접 도포 후 피부 자극이나 과민 반응이 나타나지 않는 것으로 나타났습니다. 대조군 인체 연구에서 200명의 피험자를 대상으로 한 실험에서 퍼메트린은 심각한 피부 자극이나 감작을 일으키지 않았습니다. 퍼메트린 처리된 의류를 착용해도 심각한 피부 영향은 예상되지 않습니다.

Will applying permethrin to flame retardant garments reduce their effectiveness? - Permethrin

퍼메트린 방충제 트리트먼트의 펌프 스프레이 버전은 난연성 의류에 해를 끼치지 않습니다.

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우리가 만드는 보호는 사람들의 생명을 구합니다. 말 그대로. 테스트에 열광하고 다른 누구도 따라올 수 없는 제품을 만드는 데 전념하는 것은 당연한 일입니다.

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퍼메트린 원단 처리
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