수돗물 여과 시스템
여행 중, 끓는 물 경보가 발령되었을 때 또는 안전한 식수가 위협받는 비상 상황에서 사용하기 좋은 탭 필터는 사용이 간편하며 하루에 최대 500갤런의 깨끗한 식수를 여과할 수 있습니다.
전체 제품 설명
Great for use in urban and rural locations, during boil alerts or in other emergencies when safe drinking water is compromised, the lightweight TAP Water Filter from Sawyer ensures access to clean drinking water. It's an ideal component to add to your emergency preparedness kit for use during natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes. Simply attach the filter to a standard faucet tap or to a hose bib spigot, turn on the water, and filter into your clean container.
The TAP can be used to filter up to 500 gallons per day to an incredibly clean 0.1-micron standard. The small lightweight TAP features a 0.1-micron absolute filter that removes 99.99999% of bacteria (salmonella, cholera, and E. coli), 99.9999% of protozoa (cryptosporidium and giardia), and 100% of microplastics — exceeding EPA recommendations for removal rates.
The Sawyer TAP Water Filter is a great choice for relief agencies or support groups traveling to areas where the water source is compromised or in question, or when you need ultra-pure particle and bacteria filtration. It's also great for use at campgrounds, festivals, events, in RVs, and for domestic and international travel. Chemicals, electricity, and batteries are not required.
통계 및 사양
필터 재질
중공 섬유 멤브레인
최대 500갤런/일
박테리아, 원충, 대장균, 장염비브리오, 장염비브리오 콜레레아, 살모넬라 타이피, 렙토스피라증, 미세플라스틱
다음으로부터 보호
땀에 강한
액체 볼륨
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