It’s Here, It’s Gear!

The Gear List

Hey everybody, it’s time to talk about everybody’s favorite subject: gear!  This is my first thru-hike, I had lots of research and time to get this stuff together.  Could I have made different/better choices? Most certainly.  Am I pleased with the end results? Yes! For me, this setup will work, and that’s all I care about for this trip.  I would eventually like to attain the coveted ‘ultralight’ status, someday, but time will tell. I don’t need that many luxuries on the trail, but a couple are nice!  And, no matter what, all of the gear I have accumulated this year will serve me some purpose in the future.  So, without further ado, let’s get to it!

Shelter/Sleep System

Tent: REI Co-op Flash Air 2.  I chose this tent because it was light, and has poles that can be used with it just in case my trekking poles aren’t up for the job. As a matter of fact, tomorrow afternoon I am going on a short overnight to test this out.

Ground Sheet: Polycro sheet from Garage Grown Gear.  I got a 2 pack of these groundsheets, sized large, for like $13.  Well worth it for extra ground protection, and it will also double as protection for my sleeping pad when in a shelter!

Sleeping Pad: Big Agnes Insulated Air Core Ultra.  The weight was just right for me, and the insulation will help.  I tend to sleep warm, but it is September in Vermont, so best be prepared.  Also, the price was a huge selling point for me.

Sleeping Quilt: REI Co-op Magma 30 Sleeping Quilt.  I have wanted to try a quilt ever since I first read about them.  Mummy bags are too constricting for my tastes, so a quilt seemed like a great solution.  I got this bad chicken on sale for 50% off, and I am excited to test it out!  I have used it one night so far in high temps, and could have gotten away without it.  We will see how it goes!

Pillow: Air Pillow from Garage Grown Gear.  Originally for hospital use apparently, its just enough for my weary head to rest, and is super light.  If it fails, I’m only out a couple bucks, and I will just use a stuff sack with clothes.

Jared Bryce continues to provide details behind his gear, you can read it here.

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October 27, 2024

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애팔래치아 트레일, 대륙 횡단 트레일, 퍼시픽 크레스트 트레일 및 그 사이의 모든 트레일. 에어비앤비는 장거리 배낭여행객을 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

우리는 장거리 배낭여행의 모든 것을 제공합니다.

애팔래치아 트레일, 대륙분단 트레일, 퍼시픽 크레스트 트레일 및 그 사이의 모든 트레일. 에어비앤비는 하이킹 및 장거리 백패킹 커뮤니티를 위한 서비스를 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

참고: 열띤 토론은 허용되며 권장됩니다. 그러나 무례한 댓글은 삭제됩니다. 다른 댓글 작성자나 트렉 블로거 또는 작가를 인신공격하는 경우 이 페이지에서 금지됩니다.

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