Microbiological Testing of the Sawyer Mini Filter

The Sawyer Mini Filter was tested for its ability to remove three microorganisms –Raoultella terrigena, Bacillus subtilis, and Micrococcus luteus – using USEPA approvedprocedures. The organisms were added to test water to reach a 107 – 108 initialconcentration. The test water followed the criteria set forth by the USEPA 1987,following the conditions for “test water #3”. All of the three tested filters met the targetreduction of 6 log units, or 99.9999% for all runs. The Sawyer Mini filter meets theUSEPA standard for bacteria.

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추가 리소스

Using Sawyer Filters in an Emergency

How to use Sawyer filters in an emergency.

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Sawyer MINI Filter Instructions

Use and Care Instructions

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Sawyer MINI Water Filtration System Safety Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

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소이어 탭 필터 테스트 결과

Report from the filtration efficacy study

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도미니카 공화국, 가정과 학교의 정수 필터에 대한 연구

도미니카 공화국의 가정과 학교 내 정수 필터에 대한 무작위 대조 전향적 시험에서 설사 유병률

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4 min

Sawyer 교육 - 고성능 정수 필터와 Sawyer가 표준을 제시하는 4가지 이유

Sawyer 교육 - 고성능 정수 필터와 Sawyer가 표준을 제시하는 4가지 이유

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4 min

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