11 Best Portable Water Filters of 2022 (The Only List You Need)

Hey, adventure seeker! Welcome to our best portable water filters guide.

If you’re keen to stay safe and avoid the dreaded wilderness-acquired stomach troubles on your next camping or hiking trip, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve tested and compared some of the best portable water filters on natural water sources in the backcountry.

If you really want to, go ahead and spend your money on a portable water filter that sounds good in theory, but ends up being so clunky and useless that you abandon it mid-way through your trip. But we’d strongly recommend choosing a filter that’s proven (through testing, customer feedback, and third-party data) to consistently and reliably remove the bad stuff from lakes, streams, and rivers.

#1 is our favorite, but #3 is a great option for families, and #7 is the best choice if you’re traveling abroad.

This guide is split into three sections:

  • A review section, providing essential information about the portable water filters on this list
  • A buyers’ guide, covering the ins and outs of portable water filtration
  • An FAQ, offering additional info about the stuff you need to know

You can continue reading the complete guide written by Jennifer Byrd here.

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October 24, 2024

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