예방: 2020년 여름철 진드기에 물리지 않도록 지켜주는 최고의 진드기 기피제

이번 시즌에 질병을 유발하는 진드기에 물리지 않으려면 다음 예방 조치를 따르세요.

Summer is the best time of year to go hiking, have a cook-out in the park, and hit the trails for your run. But while soaking up the great outdoors will get you moving and boost your mood, it still comes with its fair share of risks—like sunburns, heat stroke, and too many bugs to count.

These bugs include ticks, which have been spiking in numbers across the United States—and they’re carrying diseases with them, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The number of tick-borne disease cases in the U.S.—like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever—has more than doubled in the last 13 years, according to the CDC. What’s more, preliminary research from the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology finds that alpha-gal allergy—a red meat allergy caused by a tick bite—is a major trigger behind life-threatening reactions.

But fear of these blood-sucking critters shouldn’t keep you inside all season. If you take the proper measures—say, choosing the right tick repellents and doing full-body checks after you’ve been outdoors—you can minimize your chances of ever having to deal with a tick bite.

Read the full article from Alisa Hrustic on Prevention's website here.

마지막 업데이트

October 19, 2024

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예방의 미디어 언급

가장 건강한 나! 자연 치료, 건강, 영양, 레시피, 미용, 심신, 체중 감량, 피트니스에 대한 전문가들의 팁을 확인하세요.

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