Sawyer enabling clean water everywhere. Founder Kurt Avery.

A video interview with Kurt Avery about Sawyer Products and Sawyer filters.

마지막 업데이트

February 25, 2025

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Fred Fishkin


Veteran radio reporter, Fred Fishkin, is the producer of Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. Fred has won numerous awards during his career, including the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting from the national Radio and Television News Directors Association.

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Consumer Reports has ranked [Sawyer 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent] as the best protection against mosquitoes.

Tori Peglar

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“It's not greasy, and absorbs really well. It also doesn't have a smell to it, which is nice,” adds Porter.

Ashley Jones
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You have the chance to win a Benelli shotgun, Blocker Outdoors turkey hunting apparel, premium Pistol Creek Calls, Sawyer tick-repellent products, and much more.

Turkeys for Tomorrow