The Best Bug-Repellent Clothing for Your Next Outdoor Adventure

If you’re headed out into the great (and buggy) outdoors, you’re probably packing some bug spray to keep mosquitoes and ticks away. But wearing bug-repellent clothing can offer an additional degree of protection against vector-borne illnesses like Lyme disease and West Nile virus, as well as plain ol’ itchy bites.

Much like UPF clothing, the best bug-repellent clothing (garments that have been treated with a pesticide) is easier to find (and more stylish) than you might think. But that doesn’t mean you should buy the first seemingly bug-proof items you see—it’s important to wear outdoor gear that’s actually going to work, which is why we’ve scoped out the best brands and retailers to shop for reliable protection.

Continue reading to learn more about the best bug repellent for your clothing, written by Sara Coughlin.

마지막 업데이트

November 1, 2024


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