10 Best Backpacking Water Filters and Purifiers of 2024

What are the best water filter and water purification treatment systems used by backpackers? That really depends on the quality of the water you need to filter or purify, the number of people you need to treat water for, and your personal preferences. For example, squeeze-style water filters, UV purification, and filter bottles tend to be good for solo users and clear water sources, while chemical purification and pump filters/purifiers are good for larger groups and riskier or murkier water sources. Cost and filter longevity are also worth considering.

Here are the 10 best backpacking water filters and water purification systems we recommend for backpacking, hiking, and camping.

1. Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter

The Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter System includes the Sawyer Squeeze Filter, two 32 fl. oz. pouches, a cleaning coupling, and additional accessories for gravity and inline use. Like the Sawyer Mini, you can drink directly from the Sawyer Squeeze but most people squeeze untreated water through it from a soft bottle to a clean container. The filter uses a hollow-fiber membrane filter that removes 99.99999% of all bacteria, such as salmonella, cholera, and E.coli, and removes 99.9999% of all protozoa, such as giardia and cryptosporidium. The filter itself weighs 3 ounces. Read the SectionHiker review.

Continue reading the list by Section Hiker here.

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November 1, 2024

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섹션 하이커

섹션 하이커의 미디어 언급

필립 베르너는 뉴잉글랜드에 거주하는 전업 아웃도어 작가이자 배낭여행가입니다. 그의 웹사이트 SectionHiker.com은 2018년, 2019년, 2020년, 2021년 어드벤처정키스닷컴에서 선정한 인터넷 하이킹 및 배낭여행 블로그 1위로 선정되었습니다.

이 사이트의 이름인 섹션 하이커는 제가 2008년에 구간 하이킹한 롱 트레일과 현재 진행 중인 애팔래치아 트레일을 가리킵니다. 현재까지 1400마일의 AT를 완주했으며 언젠가는 조지아와 메인 사이의 모든 구간을 완주할 수 있기를 희망합니다. 또한 TGO 챌린지(스코틀랜드 해안 횡단)를 두 번이나 완주했고, 현재 스코틀랜드의 케이프 래스 트레일 구간 하이킹을 하고 있습니다.

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미디어 언급

This lightweight, 2-ounce filter removes bacteria, protozoa, cysts, sediment, and 100 per cent of microplastics.

Mia Wandl
Associate Producer

미디어 언급

Sawyer’s insect repellent is also very effective for ticks and biting flies, and it won’t damage gear or equipment.

Tori Peglar

미디어 언급

This repellent, made from 20% Picaridin, provides up to 14 hours of protection against mosquitoes and ticks, and up to 8 hours against biting flies, gnats, chiggers and sand flies.

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