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Stand aside celebrity-endorsed sandwich franchises; there’s a new power partnership in town. 

Photo courtesy of Mary Mudge and the North Country Trail Association.

At first glance, it might be hard to see what the North Country Trail and a family-owned business based in Safety Harbor, Florida have in common.

But you don’t have to look far to see where Sawyer shares motivations and values with the NCTA.

Since 1984, Sawyer has empowered folks to enjoy the outdoors comfortably and confidently by providing effective protection from water-borne and vector-borne illnesses with their industry-leading water filters and insect repellents. In the same decade, the NCTA was founded and has advocated for the North Country National Scenic Trail and its community ever since. 

Image courtesy of Tom Walker and the North Country Trail Association.

Here at Sawyer, we’re proud to support the trail organization charged with preserving and making this incredible 4,800-mile footpath available for future generations. To some people, the NCNST is a local stroll through the woods; to others, it is a monumental undertaking.

One thing the majority have in common is the fond memories they’re creating in the great outdoors. 

However, people who create less-than-fond memories also have something in common: a lack of preparation or planning, resulting in an unenjoyable adventure. If you’ve ever hit the trail just to discover you didn’t bring enough snacks or forgot your sunscreen at home, you’re familiar with just how quickly the outdoors can become an uncomfortable place. 

Image courtesy of Tom Walker and the North Country Trail Association.

Thankfully, with proper planning and preparation, you can reasonably manage risks, make informed decisions, and keep yourself feeling confident and comfortable in the outdoors. 

Permethrin, Sawyer’s gear and fabric treatment, lasts up to 6 weeks or 6 washes in a washing machine and has been shown to reduce the chances of being bitten by a tick 73.6 times by just treating socks and shoes. Picaridin, Sawyer’s topical insect repellent, is safe for the whole family, more effective than DEET, and provides all day protection - even for you, thru-hikers!

In addition to empowering individuals to enjoy the outdoors, Sawyer prioritizes supporting the outdoor community in unique and diverse ways - and we’re proud to continue this mission through our partnership with the NCTA. 

Thank you to the dedicated volunteers and staff for their incredible efforts to help others enjoy the outdoors, both in their own communities along the North Country Trail and for future generations.

Photo courtesy of Sean Jansen.

May all your water sources be flowing and trails be tick-free! 

Note: This article was originally written for the North Country Trail Association's quarterly Magazine, The North Star.

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July 8, 2024

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미디어 언급

Zenovia Stephens, ...told SELF it was her favorite bug spray for hikes and backpacking trips, and that she used it on herself as well as her kids.

Sara Coughlin

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[Sawyer Picaridin] the best bottle of bug spray we found after testing over 25 repellents and talking to everyone from the EPA to the American Mosquito Control Association.

Wirecutter Staff

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We have found the most effective and long-lasting solution to be a portable hollow fibre membrane filter that eliminates 99.99999% of harmful bacteria, the most common form of contamination seen in fresh surface water, rainwater and wells.

Christian Troy and Riley Garrison
Executive Director and Project Manager