Everyone’s favorite outdoor co-op recently opened its latest brick-and-mortar store in Beaverton, Oregon, with a three-day celebration to mark the occasion. At a staggering 39,000 square feet, the new Beaverton location became the largest REI store in the country when it opened its doors. 

With plenty of room to roam and brands to explore, Team Sawyer was overwhelmed by the community's turnout and the enthusiasm of staff, families, and friends who visited our booth. But the excitement doesn’t stop there; Sawyer celebrated with a $5,000 donation to the REI Cooperative Action Fund, whose mission is to create a more equitable outdoors for everyone. 

About the REI Cooperative Action Fund 

The REI Cooperative Action Fund is a community-supported public charity that directly supports organizations promoting justice, equity and belonging in the outdoors to strengthen the health and well-being of people and communities.

Time outside and our connection to nature is fundamental for the social, cultural, economic, and individual health and well-being of all people. But today, millions of Americans lack access to the outdoors, and many don't feel a sense of safety or belonging outside. 

We believe cooperative action leads to cooperative change.

The REI Cooperative Action Fund exists to provide support for nonprofit organizations across the country doing the essential work to create a more equitable outdoors for everyone.  

Glorious Grantees 

Here at Sawyer, we’re proud to support a wide range of organizations, from trail management nonprofits to clean water projects around the world. Therefore, it comes as no surprise to learn that many of our partners are also grantees of the REI Cooperative Action Fund. 

Here are a few of our favorite community-driven partners making waves for marginalized groups in the outdoors as grantees of the REI Cooperative Action Fund: 


To learn more about where Sawyer’s $5,000 donation is headed, check out the full list of active grantees here and browse organizations that connect people, create space, and center health in the outdoors. 

Do you know of a stellar organization that aligns with REI Cooperative Action Fund’s mission to create a more equitable outdoors for everyone? To recommend a potential grantee, visit this page of their website.

The Purchase Power of Industry-Leading Protection 

Don’t forget: Every Sawyer Product you purchase supports community partners focused on equity, tick-borne disease, Leave No Trace education, and more. Sawyer donates over 90% of profits to clean water projects around the world, and we’re honored to partner with the REI Cooperative Action Fund to support this vital work in our community. 

마지막 업데이트

November 1, 2024

사진 썸네일 블로그 작성자

케이티 휴스턴

케이티 일명 오츠는 3,000마일 이상을 혼자서 하이킹한 경험이 있는 하이커로, 문화, 용어 및 기타 오지에 대한 지식을 열정적으로 전달하고 있습니다. 그녀는 자신의 작품을 통해 청중에게 올바른 트레일 윤리에 대해 교육하고 모두가 소속감을 느낄 수 있는 아웃도어 커뮤니티를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 허스키와 함께한 그녀의 모험을 다음에서 확인하세요. 웹사이트 인스타그램.

더 많은 콘텐츠 살펴보기

항목을 찾을 수 없습니다.

미디어 언급

This lightweight, 2-ounce filter removes bacteria, protozoa, cysts, sediment, and 100 per cent of microplastics.

Mia Wandl
Associate Producer

미디어 언급

Sawyer’s insect repellent is also very effective for ticks and biting flies, and it won’t damage gear or equipment.

Tori Peglar

미디어 언급

This repellent, made from 20% Picaridin, provides up to 14 hours of protection against mosquitoes and ticks, and up to 8 hours against biting flies, gnats, chiggers and sand flies.

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