The Best Filtered Water Bottles of 2024

Filter out PFAS, chlorine, giardia, and more with one of these best-in-class personal filters

Filtered water bottles have become a must-have item for millions, and there are all kinds of reasons for wanting one. Maybe the water coming out of your tap is contaminated with lead. Maybe your well has PFAS. Or maybe you travel a lot to areas with regular norovirus outbreaks. Maybe you just hate the taste of chlorine in your water. To better understand which of the best filtered water bottles meet these different needs, I paired a deep dive on the certified testing done on each product with a field test to see which are the easiest and most enjoyable to use day to day.

  • Best Overall: Epic Water Filter Epic Nalgene
  • Best for International Travel: Grayl GeoPress
  • Longest Filter Lifespan: Sawyer Personal Water Filtration Bottle
  • Best Soft Bag: LifeStraw Peak Series Collapsible Squeeze Bottle
  • Best Insulated: Philips Go Zero Everyday Bottle
  • Least Strain: Vitaloop FlexGuard
  • Best Budget: Brita Insulated Filtered Water Bottle

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October 27, 2024

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