Your Ultimate Fall Bushcraft Guide

As the leaves begin to change and a chill enters the air, fall becomes the perfect time for bushcrafting adventures. Whether you're trekking through the Pacific Northwest, foraging in the vibrant forests of the Northeast, or enjoying the fall in the South, each region presents its own unique challenges and opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. In this guide, we'll walk you through key tips and gear recommendations to help you thrive this season, from finding dry tinder in the rain-soaked woods, repelling ticks, to harvesting acorns for a warm campfire meal.

Please note: The experts and products mentioned in this guide are not part of any affiliate program. We share them because we know and trust their expertise and craftsmanship. We love their products and stand by their knowledge as true experts in the field. Additionally, we do recommend some of our own Outdoor Element gear, which we believe will enhance your bushcrafting experience and help you Explore with Confidence.

Continue reading to learn more, written by the Outdoor Element staff.

마지막 업데이트

October 27, 2024

사진 썸네일 블로그 작성자

Outdoor Element

Contributing Writers

This article was written by the Outdoor Element staff.

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Please consider the environment when packing bug repellent as what you put on will end up in the freshwater rivers and streams of Kauai.

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The mini-me version of the Sawyer Squeeze is the perfect filter for UL enthusiasts—small enough that it won’t take up much real estate in your backpacking backpack and light enough (even after the final weigh-in) that you can scrub an ounce or more off your spreadsheet.

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Its lightweight and non-greasy formula make it a popular choice among outdoor enthusiasts.

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