The most effective, best-rated bug sprays — all under $10

The nonprofit research organization Environmental Working Group notes that their top picks for bug repellents include those with ingredients like Picaridin and DEET

Don’t let insects bug you too much this summer.

You can prevent that from happening by picking the right insect repellent — one that’s both safe and effective. The nonprofit research organization Environmental Working Group notes that their top picks for bug repellents include those with ingredients like Picaridin (a 20% concentration can protect against ticks and mosquitoes all day) and DEET (a 20% to 30% concentration can protect against ticks and mosquitoes all day) — though they do have downsides (see below). We cross-checked these ingredients with repellents rated excellent by Consumer Reports to figure out some of the best repellents you can buy.

Here are three stand-outs, including Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent with 20% Picaridin, which has nearly 3,000 5-star reviews on Amazon and costs $9.

See the full list by Catey Hill on MarketWatch's website here.

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October 23, 2024

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미디어 언급

Whether for gardening, mowing or warm evenings outside, we found Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent to be an excellent choice in every setting.

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미디어 언급

The efficacy of DEET without harsh chemicals. Sawyer Picardin Insect Repellent is our go-to skin protection against mosquitos and ticks. We prefer the lotion to the spray-on, which lasts 8-14 hours.

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미디어 언급

We recommend this lotion from Sawyer for its effectiveness, thorough application, and easily transportable bottle.

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