Here at Sawyer, we’re proud to have an amazing ambassador team to rep us in the community and teach others about our products. Knowledge is power, and these folks do an incredible job of sharing their stories to teach and inspire others. 

But, there’s always opportunities to grow and set goals, even for the most accomplished of adventurers. So we asked our team: what is a New Year’s Resolution you have that involves your relationship to the outdoors, or an adventurous goal you have for next year? 

Read on to see what goals these 6 Sawyer Ambassadors are setting their sights on in 2025, and maybe find inspiration for your own resolution along the way. 

헤더 앤더슨

“I'm hoping that 2025 will bring me to new trails in far off places. While I'm missing the comfort of a really long thru-hike, I'm also intrigued by so many shorter routes in other countries. After a year of staying close to home, I'm planning on taking my feet to new destinations as well as familiar favorites with a renewed sense of gratitude for the ability to get out and hike.”
In February of 2024, Sawyer Ambassadors Heather Anderson and Whitney La Ruffa traveled to Uganda with Sawyer’s charity partner Impact Nations to witness the region’s transformational clean water project.

윌 로빈슨

“In 2025 I plan to reclaim the joy that I get from the outdoors. This year I found myself staying away from hiking. I could probably count on one hand how many times that actually went out for time in nature. As this year is ending I’m reminded of how much the outdoors means to my mental and physical health as well as how the outdoors impacts the joy that I find in life. 2025 will be the year that I return to where it all began for me. I plan to head back to the Pacific Crest Trail to find joy and to remember to allow nothing to steal my shine.”

아미탄 세바라자 

“I’ve hiked over 12,000 long distance miles so far, mostly in the US, and I have always been drawn to water. It doesn’t matter if I am hiking in the desert drab in the southwest or in the glacial mountains and mist-drenched forests of the Pacific Northwest; I am always acutely aware that water is life. This summer, I am excited to move through some of those lonely and sea-worn shores, forests and cliffs and hills of Eastern Canada along the International Appalachian Trail and dip my toes in the chilly brine of the Atlantic.”
Sawyer Ambassadors Will Robinson, Whitney La Ruffa, Amiththan Sebarajah, and Heather Anderson cross paths at the Appalachian Trail Days in Damascus, VA in Spring 2024.

앨리 단드레아

“This year I want to volunteer my time with a non-profit to improve wildlife habitat in my local area! Specifically work to plant mangroves, which serve as nurseries for marine life, protect from erosion, and breeding grounds for biodiversity.”

크리스 영

“My New Year’s resolution related to the outdoors centers around my two year old. He absolutely loves the outdoors and is in love with hunting! I want to continue getting him outdoors and showing him God’s great country. This year he got to go out on a pretty laid back elk hunt with me and was able to come back up after I harvested a bull. It was extremely special.”

This summer, Outdoorist Oath hosted a community event in Rocky Mountain National Park and invited Sawyer Ambassador Zelzin Aketzalli to share her tips for backcountry camping in the coolest classroom ever.

젤진 아케찰리

Do you have any specific goals or aspirations? 

“My goal for 2025 is to undertake an exploration of Mexico of more than 2,000 kilometers, following a route designed by me. This project not only represents a physical challenge, but also the opportunity to deeply connect with my country and its landscapes.”

Do you have a mission to carry out on the trail? 

“My mission is to pave the way for the first national trail in Mexico. I want to leave my mark by building this new route, in the hope that it will inspire more Mexicans to discover the transformative power of mountain sports. This project is not only a personal challenge, it is my life purpose: to democratize access to nature and promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.”

Are you looking to challenge yourself in a new way? 

“Definitely. In these 7 years of solo thru-hiking, my longest journey has been 3,000 miles, however exploring without using any trails has been 800 miles. This new challenge not only increased the distance, but will also require me to overcome physical, emotional and mental barriers. I am excited to face the unknown, because that is where true growth is found.”

How are you hoping to interact with the outdoors in 2025? Let us know in the comments below! 

마지막 업데이트

January 2, 2025

사진 썸네일 블로그 작성자

케이티 휴스턴

케이티 일명 오츠는 3,000마일 이상을 혼자서 하이킹한 경험이 있는 하이커로, 문화, 용어 및 기타 오지에 대한 지식을 열정적으로 전달하고 있습니다. 그녀는 자신의 작품을 통해 청중에게 올바른 트레일 윤리에 대해 교육하고 모두가 소속감을 느낄 수 있는 아웃도어 커뮤니티를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 허스키와 함께한 그녀의 모험을 다음에서 확인하세요. 웹사이트 인스타그램.

더 많은 콘텐츠 살펴보기

항목을 찾을 수 없습니다.

미디어 언급

Whether for gardening, mowing or warm evenings outside, we found Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent to be an excellent choice in every setting.

건강 관련 미디어 언급

미디어 언급

The efficacy of DEET without harsh chemicals. Sawyer Picardin Insect Repellent is our go-to skin protection against mosquitos and ticks. We prefer the lotion to the spray-on, which lasts 8-14 hours.

어드벤처 앨런
어드벤처 앨런의 미디어 언급

미디어 언급

We recommend this lotion from Sawyer for its effectiveness, thorough application, and easily transportable bottle.

진짜 간단한
Real Simple의 미디어 멘션