The Ultimate Backpacking Gear Checklist for 2024

백패킹 전문가들이 텐트부터 스토브, 배낭, 패드까지 최고의 백패킹 장비를 추천합니다.

Looking for a quality backpacking gear checklist to help you prepare for an upcoming trip. Our backpacking expert editors have put together a comprehensive backpacking checklist with both the most essential items, and some nice-to-haves. If you're starting from scratch, we've taken the time to list all our favorite backpacking gear recommendations in one place to get you started, but this dream list has great options for any type of trail treader. If you've been backpacking since the dawn of time, you likely have your preferred gear setup and are dialed in your packing process, but most gear has a lifespan, and when it's time to retire your favorite backpacking pack, we're up to date on the latest and greatest in the world of outdoor gear and can recommend a replacement.

Some of the items on our list overlap with items our testers have chosen as the best hiking gear, and we have included options for those who love to go fast with the lightest backpacking gear. We also consider the value of each option so you can make the best choice for your budget. Long story short, you've got options, and we're here to help you find the ones that best fit your flavor of adventure.

Continue reading the full article written by By Ben Applebaum-Bauch, Trish Matheny, Sam Schild, and Elizabeth Paashaus.

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February 7, 2025

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