Drugs.com : It’s Buggin’ Me! How to Safely Use an Insect Repellent

방충제를 사용해야 하는 이유는 무엇인가요?

The use of insect repellents is a safe and effective way to prevent insect and tick-borne diseases.

Mosquito bites can lead to:

  • 웨스트 나일 바이러스
  • 지카 바이러스
  • 말라리아
  • 뎅기열
  • 뇌염

while the small deer tick can cause Lyme disease. Other tick-borne diseases include Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Powassan virus, Ehrlichiosis, African Tick-Bite Fever and Encephalitis.

American trypanosomiasis, or Chagas disease, is caused by a parasite spread by triatomine bugs in parts of Mexico, Central America, and South America, especially rural areas.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) strongly recommends the use of insect repellents to prevent transmission of West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne diseases. Most cases of malaria diagnosed in the U.S. originate from other parts of the world.

Read the full article on Drugs.com here.

마지막 업데이트

October 29, 2024

사진 썸네일 블로그 작성자


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