Best Bug Sprays for Babies of 2021

스프레이, 크림, 물티슈형 해충 퇴치제로 아기의 민감한 피부를 벌레 물림으로부터 보호하세요.

No one likes getting bug bites. Even worse? Seeing your little one suffer from itchy mosquito bites (or a latched-on tick–yuck!). And with the different diseases that insects can transmit (including Zika and West Nile virus from mosquitoes and Lyme disease from ticks), insect repellent should be top-of-mind before any outdoor outing–especially in the summer.

But what sorts of insect repellents are available? Hint: it’s not just in spray form. We’ve broken down all the main repellent types as well as safe-use recommendations for pregnancy, babies and children. Before your next jaunt outdoors, arm yourself with the anti-bug supplies you need to keep yourself and your family safe from annoying bites and potential disease.

Explore the full list of bug sprays to find what is right for you. You don't want to miss out on exercising, playing, and enjoying the outdoors.

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October 18, 2024

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