How to Plan Your First Kayak Trip – Lessons from the Everglades

Jennifer Pharr Davis is a record-breaking thru hiker, entrepreneur, mother, public speaker and published author. Needless to say, she knows a thing or two about pushing through new and uncomfortable experiences. Or so she thought! Read on to find out what she and her family experienced on a recent kayaking trip in the Everglades and tips for how they will plan their next kayak trip to Everglades NP differently.


My family and I went on a three day / two night paddle in Everglades National Park last year. I wish I could say it was life changing. In a way, I guess it was. In that my husband may never convince me to go on another paddle for the rest of my life. I’m kidding. I think.

We learned a lot. A lot that can be applied to future trips and a lot worth sharing with other paddle newbies like ourselves. So in an effort to let our pain and suffering not go to waste, I will share a thing or two with you here.

But first, some context. We are adventurers. We have spent a LOT of time in national parks. Our kids are young (9 and 5) but I would say they’re tougher than most. My husband grew up taking weeklong river trips with his family as a teen. And we get on the water a half dozen times or so every summer.

We did our homework. We talked to a friend who convinced us this would be a good idea. He’s someone we trust. Well, used to trust. I’m kidding. I think. But he had done these trips for years with his sons. They’re big into fishing and they come down from New Hampshire every January. We came down from North Carolina in April. There were big differences between his experience and ours. Here are a few of them.

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February 5, 2025

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제니퍼 파 데이비스

등산객, 연사, 저자

제니퍼 파 데이비스는 6개 대륙에서 14,000마일 이상의 트레일을 하이킹한 국제적으로 인정받는 모험가, 연사, 작가, 기업가입니다.

2011년에는 2,185마일의 도보 트레일을 46일(하루 평균 47마일)만에 완주하여 애팔래치아 트레일에서 알려진 가장 빠른 기록을 세웠습니다. 그리고 그 이후로 속도를 늦추지 않고 있습니다.

Jennifer는 임신 중 700마일을 배낭여행하고, 갓 태어난 아들을 수유하면서 노스캐롤라이나를 횡단했으며, 두 살배기 딸과 함께 50개 주를 모두 하이킹한 경험이 있습니다.

그녀는 대통령 산하 스포츠, 피트니스 및 영양 위원회의 위원이며, 2020년 IMAX 영화 ' 인투 아메리카 와일드'에 출연했으며, 애팔래치아 트레일 컨서번시의 이사로 활동하고 있습니다.

제니퍼는 진정한 자연의 힘입니다. 하지만 그녀가 가장 흥분하는 것은 자연이 제공하는 삶을 변화시키는 기회를 사람들에게 소개하는 일입니다.

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Whether for gardening, mowing or warm evenings outside, we found Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent to be an excellent choice in every setting.

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The efficacy of DEET without harsh chemicals. Sawyer Picardin Insect Repellent is our go-to skin protection against mosquitos and ticks. We prefer the lotion to the spray-on, which lasts 8-14 hours.

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We recommend this lotion from Sawyer for its effectiveness, thorough application, and easily transportable bottle.

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