수천 명의 사람들이 전문가가 추천하는 DEET 무함유 해충 기피제로 맹세합니다.

Its main ingredient is safe enough for pregnant women and infants to use.

With the official start of summer underway, you probably have tons of all-day outdoor activities planned for the next few months, from family barbeques and picnics to tropical vacations. Unfortunately, with warm weather also comes tons of pesky bugs, so having an insect repellent on hand wherever you go is probably a good idea. Just like choosing the right sunscreen, it’s important to find a bug spray that’s not only effective at keeping insects away, but is also safe to use. That’s why thousands Amazon shoppers have made this Sawyer Products Picaridin Insect Repellent their go-to.

See the full article by Christina Butan on Yahoo's website here.

마지막 업데이트

October 24, 2024

사진 썸네일 블로그 작성자

야후 라이프

야후 라이프의 미디어 멘션

건강, 웰빙, 육아, 스타일 분야에서 최고의 제품으로 좋아하는 일을 더 잘할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

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미디어 언급

This lightweight, 2-ounce filter removes bacteria, protozoa, cysts, sediment, and 100 per cent of microplastics.

Mia Wandl
Associate Producer

미디어 언급

Sawyer’s insect repellent is also very effective for ticks and biting flies, and it won’t damage gear or equipment.

Tori Peglar

미디어 언급

This repellent, made from 20% Picaridin, provides up to 14 hours of protection against mosquitoes and ticks, and up to 8 hours against biting flies, gnats, chiggers and sand flies.

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